Getting your best booty ever starts with exercises for sculpting your glutes and lower body. The exercises don’t have to be high-impact, either. Low-impact interval sessions and exercises can yield excellent results in toning, strengthening, and defining the muscles that make up your posterior. Bria Method believes in mixing both intense and low-impact workouts to create the perfect hybrid workout. We understand how hard it is to find low-impact yoga in Bucks County, PA, thus why we created the Bria Method, where our goal is to create a well-balanced, state-of-the-art fitness studio without the gimmicks. Continue reading “Pretty as a Peach: Exercises for Sculpting Your Booty”
Category: Blogs
How to Prepare for Your Yoga Sculpt Class
Yoga is a well-known practice that has helped individuals meditate and relax throughout history, and it has many variations that each offer unique benefits. Yoga sculpting is one such variation and is a fantastic method of reaching and maintaining physical fitness and health. However, given its differences from traditional yoga, preparing for a yoga sculpt session is not quite the same. Here’s a look at some of the ways you can get ready for your first yoga sculpt class.
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How Pilates Can Transform Your Body
People jumping into fitness for the first time want to find exercises and routines that fit their goals and pique their interests. While free weights, cardio, and lifting often represent the most popular and common options associated with changing your physical health and appearance, they aren’t the only viable option. Pilates can become your workout of choice for a total body workout that doesn’t put as much strain on your muscles or joints.
What Is BODYPUMP & Does It Have Health Benefits?
Have you ever looked at your biceps or quads and wished they were a little more toned? If you want to increase your muscle strength without bulking up like a bodybuilder, a BODYPUMP class is for you. This barbell workout is designed to make you more lean, fit, and toned — all while receiving support from an energetic instructor and heart-pumping music. Continue reading “What Is BODYPUMP & Does It Have Health Benefits?”
Do Dance Fitness Workouts Really Work?
Have you ever wanted to blast your favorite heart-pumping tunes and just forget about your problems for an hour? Perhaps, when you were a teenager, you would literally let loose by turning up your stereo and releasing all your signature dance moves right in the middle of your bedroom floor. You may not be a teen anymore, but you can still relieve your stress and get an intense workout by participating in a cardio dance class.
Can You Do HIIT and Weight Training on the Same Day?
HIIT classes or HIIT workouts (high-intensity interval training workouts) are a great way to burn fat and grow muscle mass. However, if you’ve been considering adding HIIT cardio to your training sessions, you might have questions. Besides the basic questions such as what to eat before a HIIT workout or how to best optimize your workout for belly fat loss, another popular question we receive is: can you do HIIT and weight training on the same day?
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Are You Doing Your HIIT Workout Correctly? Top HIIT Mistakes to Avoid
“High-intensity interval training,” or “HIIT,” has survived — and conquered — its label as the latest exercise fad of the 2010s and 20s. Many studies have shown it to be one of the most effective forms of fat burning, and even professional athletes swear by integrating HIIT into their fitness plans.
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How Long Should My HIIT Workouts Be?
Whether you are just getting started in the world of fitness or have been around for a while, you have probably heard about high-intensity interval training, or HIIT. HIIT is designed to burn fat in a very short period, lasting anywhere from 3 to 60 minutes. A HIIT workout alternates between high and low-intensity exercises — known as rest periods — for a particular time. With this in mind, you are probably wondering, “how long should my HIIT workouts be? Well, the answer depends on a few different factors, so let’s take a look at what you need to know:
Does HIIT Help Build Muscle?
With all the workout plans and diet programs out there, it can be hard to know where to start to achieve your dream body. While people want to get in shape for different reasons, it is safe to say that one of those can be to build muscle. Fulfilling the goal of muscle gain can be done in many ways; however, when it comes to popular workout trends, high-intensity interval training (HIIT) is the big rave of working out. However, does HIIT really help you build muscle?
How to Start Exercising Again After an Injury
Have you found yourself working too hard at the gym, and now you have a few more aches and pains than you’re used to? Athletic injuries aren’t a joke. If you rush getting back to working out — or worse, never take a break at all — you could permanently injure yourself or limit your ability to gain your strength back.
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