Can You Improve Your Strength and Flexibility By Stretching at Home?

If you followed a regular strength training regimen before the Coronavirus outbreak took over news cycles and closed gyms and businesses nationwide, you might be wondering if and how you’re going to keep up with the same routine while self-isolating. Some people have state-of-the-art home gyms to keep up while quarantined. But for the majority of people who don’t, there are other options.

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The 7 Best Foods to Boost Your Workout

If you’re trying to improve your overall fitness level, you need to establish an exercise routine and a regular schedule that works for you. Many residents of Bucks County find that getting a gym membership can be helpful in establishing a routine. But if you’re not eating the right foods, you may find yourself struggling to get through your workout, or feel so exhausted afterward that you swear you’ll never do it again.

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How Often Should You Do HIIT Workouts?

Our Bucks County, PA HIIT training program is intense. In fact, it’s so intense that it’s not designed to be done every single day. If you do HIIT workouts six or seven days each week, you are almost certainly doing something wrong. True, genuine HIIT training should completely drain your tank and leave you feeling exhausted after each session. In other words, you simply aren’t doing HIIT right if you are physically and mentally capable of doing it several days in a row — sorry if we burst any of your bubbles there, but that’s the truth. Now, that begs the question: Exactly how often should you do HIIT? Let’s take a closer look.

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Success in Numbers: The Psychology Behind Group Workouts

As the owner of Bucks County, PA’s favorite HIIT exercise studio, Tony Bria knows what it takes to get motivated and hold yourself accountable for reaching fitness goals. But here’s the thing about holding yourself accountable — if you give up on your goals, nobody knows except for you. That’s why group workouts like HIIT and LIIT are so effective for so many individuals who previously struggled to reach their goals and get in shape. Check out the infographic below to learn about some benefits of group fitness:

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HIIT vs. LIT Classes: Which Is Best for You?

Looking for a modern workout routine that is compatible with your preferred lifestyle? At Bria Method, we offer both HIIT and LIT classes, also known as High-Intensity Interval Training and Low-Impact Interval Training classes. Not sure which class you would best fit into? Keep reading for a detailed guide to help you find out!

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Don’t “Fall” Into Bad Habits This Autumn — How to Keep Your Beach Body All Year Long

Summertime. It’s the season synonymous with getting your “beach body,” putting long hours in the gym to stay fit and trim, and preparing to squeeze back into that bathing suit. But now that another summer is in the books, sometimes people lose motivation and fall back into their bad habits. In fact, it can become a vicious cycle. You might eat a little more, exercise slightly less often, and before you know it, the extra weight has crept in.

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Tell Us Your Weight-Loss Goals for a Chance to Win a 6-Month Membership

Everyone has a reason they want to lose weight. No matter what your reason is, we want to hear about it at Bria Method. Write and tell us about your goals and why you need our help to lose weight, and you’ll be entered for a chance to win a free 6-month membership at Bria Method.

Email to share your story for your chance to win!


But what exactly will winning our contest do for you? First of all, it will give you the opportunity to experience Bucks County’s best low-intensity workouts.  

Low-intensity Workouts

Your busy schedule probably gives you enough stress, so the last thing you need is to add more stress by putting a strain on yourself at the gym. With low-intensity workouts, we’ll help you get in shape by slowing things down a notch.

But that doesn’t mean you won’t work up a sweat. In group Barre, group yoga, group Pilates sessions, or LIT Dance Fit, you’ll put just enough effort in to increase your strength, gain muscle, and lose fat, without taking the risk of overdoing it.    

You’ll also gain access to our HIIT workouts, a great option for both women and men in the Richboro, PA area.

HIIT: High-intensity Interval Training

On the other end of the intensity spectrum, you can push your physical limits with our HIIT program, developed by an Ironman triathlete and former multi-sport scholastic athlete. This program features brief physical activities that last between 20 seconds and one minute and utilize equipment including treadmills, Aerodyne bicycles, TRX bands, and dumbbells. These activities are designed to raise your pulse, with intervals of rest or recovery in between these quick spurts of high-intensity activity.  

Another Way to Win

We’re also giving away a $100 Adidas gift card! To enter this contest, all you have to do is follow us on Instagram — @briamethod — and then tag three of your friends in the #Giveaway post. Keep an eye out for this post on Instagram, because it really is that simple!  


And in the meantime, keep checking our social media pages for announcements about Bria Method’s grand opening!